
Where To Send Leica Cameras For Repair

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Photographic camera Repair

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This gratis website'due south biggest source of support is when you use any of these links when you go anything, regardless of the land in which you live. Give thanks you lot! Ken.

September 2021 Meliorate Pictures   Reviews

Introduction top

I've been breaking my cameras for decades.

Here are the places with which I've had good luck.

Just as important as fixing the photographic camera is that a existent repairman leaves no tracks: no marks on the screw heads or anywhere to suggest that he's been within the camera. If you get a photographic camera back and there are marks on it, that was a bad repair. I refer to these marks every bit "technician tracks."

Before y'all ship anything to anyone, be sure to ostend that they really are at the address I've listed for them.

Nikon & Canon Digital     tiptop

For current digital cameras, I always send them straight to the manufacturer'south ain repair facility closest to me.

Few if whatever independent repair facilities are Nikon or Canon certified or trained. If they are, be certain to enquire for what cameras.

For digital cameras one particularly needs total access to very specialized test equipment, firmware, software and tools for in-depth service of DSLRs and betoken-and-shoots.

Independents tin can clean and practise most things, simply if I really pause a DSLR, I send it directly to Catechism or Nikon because I know they have the most complete facilities.

Canon or Nikon have referred me to local authorized contained repair shops, which besides do dandy work. For instance, Kurt's in San Diego has all the factory equipment for Nikon.

I've e'er had very skilful results with both Catechism and Nikon's repair depots. If anything wasn't done properly the commencement time, a polite request got it done the second endeavor.

Nikon 35mm Cameras     top

If you lot've got a electric current F6, of course ship it to Nikon. Nikon as well can fix everything back to nigh the F3, depending on the availability of parts.

For older cameras, equally well every bit newer cameras for which Nikon no longer stocks parts, these are the guys I've used.

None of these guys has a website; they do repairs, not websites.

Gus Lazzari, TLC Camera Repair
TLC Photographic camera Repair
4554 Chestnut Street Ext.
High Point, NC 27265-8642
[email protected]
function: (336) 307-2126
jail cell: (949) 275-0313

Gus is my guy. I transport him everything that I don't transport directly to the manufacturer.

Gus can fix anything, and never leaves whatever tracks. He fixes archetype LEICA cameras, likewise, so Nikons are easy for him. Gus has worked on many, many cameras for me.

Berrie Smith
(770) 312-0719
[email protected]

Berrie is one of the guys Nikon sends out to big sporting events to provide alive repair and sensor cleaning service to the NPS pros covering the event.

He'south also an contained repairman. I sent him an FE that needed repair, and it came back quite clean. I haven't sent him anything else nevertheless.

Catechism 35mm Cameras     top

Steven Swerington
Camera Clinic
100 second Ave NW
Mandan ND 58554
[e-mail protected]
(775) 829-2244

A reader sent me a Canon T90 that had the usual EEE shutter error. I looked for a T90 repairman, and it turns out that Steven is a T90 specialist.

Since I had him on the phone, I also sent him a New F-1 and a Canon A-one, as well as a T90, for overhaul.

Everything came back working perfectly, and looking far better and cleaner than when I sent information technology in.

Contax     top

ToCAD America serviced Contax up through 2015, and handed it off to:

Nippon Photo Clinic
37 W 39th Street, Suite # 401
New York, NY 10018
(212) 736-4663

as of April 1st, 2015.

LEICA     top

Gus Lazzari
TLC Photographic camera Repair
4554 Anecdote Street Ext.
High Point, NC 27265-8642
[email protected]
office: (336) 307-2126
jail cell: (949) 275-0313

Gus has been fixing anything LEICA that I tin throw his manner, particularly screw-mount and other LEICA delicacies from as far back every bit the 1930s.

Not simply does Gus get it stock-still, he never leaves whatsoever marks. The more complex and delicate and difficult the repair, the more excited Gus gets. Dissimilar other repair shops who won't touch former cameras for fear of breaking them, Gus knows how to rebuild and repair anything. He's not just swapping parts.

I accept never been able to stump Gus with anything he couldn't ready well.

Of form Gus fixes Nikon and Catechism and Mamiya and everything else I've sent him, too.

I've even had Gus work on sealed LEICA M3s, preserving the 50 seal. Gus is the guy for LEICA repairs.

If it'due south worth having done right, information technology'due south worth sending to Gus. The fifty-fifty better news is that his pricing is still a lot less than you'd expect for LEICA repairs. Gus was charging only about $225 + parts in 2011 for LEICA torso overhauls. Don't look Gus to stay this inexpensive for long; he's getting very busy, for proficient reason.

Likewise, Gus is an expert repairman and he does the piece of work himself. Since he'south getting so popular, look to have to wait a while. Gus takes the time to do it right; he'due south not but trying to subcontract out all the work or slam though your job fast to get to the next one.

This is why I utilize Gus for everything. I want information technology done right and don't listen waiting.

Kurt's     tiptop

Kurt's repairs just virtually anything, and is fifty-fifty certified by Nikon to do warranty repairs for complimentary, also as fixing slide projectors. Especially if you lot're in San Diego, check them out.

Kurt's Camera Repair
7811 Mission Gorge Route, #Eastward
San Diego, CA 92120
[email protected]
(888) 673-7811
(619) 286-1810
Fax: (619) 286-6093

Kurt'southward has been in San Diego since 1975, and I've used them since the 1980s. In 1997, they adjusted the rangefinder to my Mamiya 7.

I haven't used them recently, nevertheless everyone who uses them tells me they are every bit expert equally ever. They are mill authorized for Nikon, Canon, Olympus and Minolta.

LifePixel Sensor Repairs & Modifications


Infrared Conversions

I suspect you already know about LifePixel, who probably practise more conversion of digital cameras to infrared than anyone.

Camera sensors are very sensitive to infrared, and so they all have filters to block this so our pictures look normal.

LifePixel removes the IR blocking filter, so the photographic camera now is very sensitive to infrared. With Alive View or mirrorless, it'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to encounter the effects equally you shoot. With a DSLR viewfinder, yous have a normal view and the results are crazy; it's your choice.

Infrared conversions have been around for ten years or more than, and many people beloved sending their old camera to be converted instead of throwing information technology away. Information technology's similar getting an most costless IR photographic camera.

After doing every bit many conversions as they do, there's now much more they do for normal photography:

Sensor Replacements & Repair

With all the filters they've removed from the fronts of other people'south sensors, they take more than they know what to practice with.

If you lot've scratched your sensor, instead of throwing away the camera of paying for a replacement at the manufacturer, LifePixel is just every bit skilled at replacing the cover over your sensor that you just damaged! They only charge about $250 ~ $300 for this.

Most people don't realize that the "sensor" is actually a complex multi-layer sandwich of many layers. It's the top layer, the outer embrace, that boneheads damage, and it's these that LifePixel takes off when they practice conversions, so they have an unlimited supply of them.

Merely await, there's even more than:

Anti-Alias Filter Removal

You could purchase a new model photographic camera or pay more for a version where the maker doesn't bother to include the anti-alias filter for sharper pictures.

LifePixel is too skilled at removing the anti-alias filter from the camera you already own.

This is a much less expensive way to update to the newest sensor technology. They tin can remove the anti-alias filter and leave the infrared filter alone for normal use.

Help me help y'all top

I support my growing family unit through this website, as crazy as it might seem.

The biggest help is when you use any of these links when you go annihilation, regardless of the land in which you lot live. Information technology costs you cipher, and is this site'due south, and thus my family's, biggest source of support. These places have the best prices and service, which is why I've used them since before this website existed. I recommend them all personally.

If you find this page every bit helpful as a book you lot might have had to buy or a workshop you lot may take had to have, experience free to aid me go along helping everyone.

If you've gotten your gear through one of my links or helped otherwise, yous're family. It'south great people like you lot who permit me to continue calculation to this site full-fourth dimension. Thanks!

If you oasis't helped yet, delight do, and consider helping me with a souvenir of $five.00.

As this folio is copyrighted and formally registered, it is unlawful to brand copies, especially in the form of printouts for personal utilise. If yous wish to make a printout for personal utilise, you are granted one-time permission only if you PayPal me $5.00 per printout or part thereof. Thank y'all!

Thank you for reading!

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rockwell, Ryan and Katie.

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